"Political language . . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." George Orwell

September 5, 2005

Katrina: Another Deliberate 9-11? by Lisa Guliani & Victor Thorn

If the weather modification angle is too conspiratorial for you, how do we explain pending congressional legislation S 517, which was introduced on March 3, 2005 by Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison? This bill, which will be voted on in October, 2005, is specifically entitled The Weather Modification and Research Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005. Its purpose is to “develop and implement a comprehensive and coordinated national weather modification policy, along with a national cooperative federal and state program of weather modification research and development.” In addition, the term “weather modification” means: changing or controlling, or attempting to change/control by artificial methods the natural development of atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in the troposphere.”


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