"Political language . . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." George Orwell

August 10, 2005

Bad Anti-Insurgent Strategy - Hit 'em Where They Were by Stan Moore

This war cannot be won by America. Those pathetic Iraqis just will not stand and fight toe to toe. For some strange reason, the Iraqis are fighting to win, not to meet American wishes and expectations. Every day that Americans are in Iraq fighting the insurgency is another day that George Bush is losing ground. Every death of an American soldier is a nail in the coffin of the American Empire.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the invasion of Iraq will not be won. If you have the time, there is a book, recently out by Aaron glantz entitled 'How America Lost Iraq". Now, Mr. glantz is admittedly a leftist, actually a reporter for Pacifica Radio.I picked the book up and quickly found out that his is an honest snapshot of the Iraqi people and what they think and are doing since our invasion began. We have not have bungled a foreign action anymore than this in the past fifty years!! Now, anyone with any knowledge of American foreign policy knows this is quite a bold statement, but it is true! If we had left, or held elections imediately after the fall of Saddam, things MIGHT be different. No, our enlightened leaders let that country fester, rot and left a void that slowly has evolved into a nationalistic fervor that we could only stop with nuclear weapons. God damn the neo-cons and their puppet George Bush for putting us in this miserable situation.

10:52 PM


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