"Political language . . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." George Orwell

July 26, 2005

Conspiracy Theorists by Jolly Roger

Conspiracy theories arise from evidence. After the government releases an explanation of a particular event, a conspiracy theory is only born because evidence exists to disprove their explanation, or at least call it into question. There's nothing insane about it, unless you define sanity as believing whatever the government tells you. In light of the fact that our government lies to us regularly, I would define believing everything they tell you as utter stupidity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with every word :) As a british citizen i've always thought that perhaps us brits had a better understanding of the real truth than most americans (i apoligise for perhaps narrow minded, sterotypical view of the majority of the american public). However, after the 7/7 attacks on london, the brain washing machine that is tony blair and the media has taken a vice like grip on the minds of the british public, scaring them so that they won't dare question anything. My mother for example (bless her), even almost condoned the the killing of the innocent brazilian. I hope the british public still remain open minded with regards to ID cards issue and don't simply believe everything the media and tony blair says. We live in tragic times.

1:57 PM


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