"Political language . . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." George Orwell

June 6, 2005

The constitution is dead. Long live proper politics by Slavoj Zizek

To put it bluntly, do we want to live in a world in which the only choice is between the American civilisation and the emerging Chinese authoritarian-capitalist one? If the answer is no then the only alternative is Europe. The third world cannot generate a strong enough resistance to the ideology of the American dream. In the present world constellation, it is only Europe that can do it. The true opposition today is not between the first world and the third world. Instead it is between the first and third world (ie the American global empire and its colonies), and the second world (ie Europe).


Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is a paragraph near the end of an article on the EU consitution.

I thought it was about the US Constitution.

But judging from the article Europeans don't seem to think the US Consitution was ever alive!!!

Slavoj Zizek of The Guardian thinks that the only ideology that the USA has to offer (the "American Dream!!") is Globalism.

He does not seem to grasp that Europes' globalists are the American globalists. I suppose they have an effective camoflage in the NEO-CONSERVATIVES. The Jews and the Neo-cons seem to be doing the globalists political dirty work in the realm of global war, economics and building the foundations of the globalist dream of effective world government.

But the Neo-cons seem to also think the American Dream is a global empire! I suppose I should leave the Jews out of it. But Israel seems to be key to this Neo-con dream of global empire...

It really is the American Liberal dream of global empire and the European Social-Deomcratic dream of global empire. Those folks were just never ruthless enough to carry out thier dream. Like Malthus they seem to think they can forsee a furture in which world government is nessasary to the survival of the human race.

If that is true they I say give me liberty or give me human extinction!

But Malthus was a very smart man. And Malthus was wrong!

7:31 PM


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