"Political language . . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." George Orwell

May 12, 2005

Is Intervention in the Gulf Still a Profitable Venture? by Ahmed Amr

A cost benefit analysis of the American imperial project in the Gulf should convince even the most jingoistic American that this is no longer a profitable project. While the “liberation” of Kuwait was basically a cost free proposition, our current entanglement in the Iraq has already cost $ 200 billion. Add to that the cost of Homeland Security and the economic losses sustained from the 9/11 attacks. And what is the dollar value of an American or an Iraqi life.


Blogger Buttercup and JOHN-43 said...

what every it cost, to set people free, nothing is to much, i was in the frist gulf war, and the joy on the faces of the people set free, you can't buy that.

10:27 AM

Blogger Nero X said...

we didnt set people free yet that is the whole frikin point pin head.
we were supposed to leave 90 days after the so called"mission accomplished" but We the People of the United States of America have to find an excuse to stay where we want, when we want, how want, till we get wat we want.
for those of u who think we freed a people, we invaded their territory and moved them from one dictatorship to a martial law. how do i know, i was there.i can almost garantee that as soon as we leave, the jihadist will leave.(wat ever they may claim to b ,by the way, they r not fighting in the name of islam and r not really jihadist.)
People of america dont know the world like the bak of their hands because of all the plastic surgery.we have been blinding others and have been blinded by every source out there.weather u want to admit it or not, the truth remains, the biggest mistake that we have made this generation was invading a WMD'less countery.
wat the respected veteran is reffering to about the gulf war. that is a completely different situation. in that case there were people to b freed.
wat is even worse than all of this is that the military doesnt even know wat they r doing there, again i know, i was there. cammanders, generals, are included. we r approaching this whole war with tunnel vission, not really paying any attention to how the other side sees things. a really bad thing to do wen u go to war, not knowing wat ur 'enemies' know, big mistake.
sorry, i know this is only a comment.

11:01 AM


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